X20 Xaviers on Hudson Yonkers NY | Alex and David's Wedding
"Alex, I swear to be a catalyst for you. I promise to help make sure things are lined up correctly sot that you can make connections, I promise to help you be excited for the future and eager to move towards it, and i promise to help keep you together when you feel like you are falling apart. Unlike a catalyst however, I won't just participate in the reaction without becoming part of the product. I Promise to form an enduring final product with you."
Alex and David are both intellectuals, and what happens when intellectuals fall in love? Big Bang. They met in College, at Rensselaear Polytechnic Institute, an environment filled with the yearning for knowledge and logic fueled by innovation and inspiration. They pushed each other through the journey, that wasn't always easy after college was over, but when everything has been said and done, they weathered the storms of personal pursuits, distance, and differences. Today, You'll get to see just a bit of them in their Wedding Story.
"To you I pledge my love and my care,
My heart, my ear, my voice -- to you, aware.
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, and last week,
Forever and always it's your heart that I seek.
We've had the practice, and the peer review,
we've even got the Rabbi too!
I'm confident in our union, in our love
as we stand among family, and friends, Chuppah above.
Experimentally verified, by combining out hearts --
We know the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."