Lowville NY | Olivia and Adam's Engagement | Jay Zhang Photography
Omg, I love my couples, but THESE TWO? They’re special. I met them at a wedding I was associate photographing for another photographer and Olivia and I, we became best friends from minute 1, and you know how sometimes when you meet a new friends, you just feel this energy that is on the same frequency and you get each other? That was Olivia and I, Energy Twins, Soulmates, Vibing, whatever you wanna call it, we were on the same wavelength. When I got to meet Adam at that wedding, I just saw HOW MUCH Adam makes her laugh, breaks down her barriers, makes her rethink certain things because maybe she’s overthinking things. I could SEE that breaking a mental cycle that traps you was something that Adam does for her and I couldn’t help but feel like, wow these two, I LOVE THESE TWO.