MASS MoCA Engagement | Dana and James | Jay Zhang Photography
I’m finishing out my Pride Series Blogs for this month with a very special couple who were SO DOWN to go to Mass Moca for their engagement. Lets just say we had a LOAD of creative fun with everything in there. If you have not been to Mass Moca, definitely worth a day trip! Dana and James were ready to ham it up for the camera, and already knowing James as a friend made me very surprised finding out how much more shy they seem to appear when around Dana. There’s something the other that eases each of them into a softer, lighter view of the world when they are together - and I think that’s amazingly beautiful when I get to see this in couples.
City Beer Hall + Albany Empire Plaza | Anthony and Andrew Engagement | Jay Zhang Photography
Anthony and Andrew first Met at City Beer Hall so it only made sense that we start their day HERE at City beer hall. Caring, the ability to care, to nurture, to uphold and to help flourish are evident in the smallest of acts - wiping away dirt, caressing the cheeks, holding hands, sharing inside jokes, holding each other up over fears of height. All these things they did this day and it made me so excited for their day. Even though as I’m sitting here making this small blog of their engagement, I know that through all of the hard times faced by the whole world over the crazy health pandemic - They will hold each other up. That’s what makes relationships last.
Thatcher Park Engagement | Kevin and Ben | Jay Zhang Photography
These two just love to laugh with each other… CONSTANTLY, and its the best! Whether its when Ben says something silly or mildly existential out of context, or when Kevin tells an engaging story, they just love to highlight all the funny and good moments. This was definitely one of those times when laughing together means crazy amounts of good times during our session. Nervous at first, we quickly moved into a comfortable place to create hugely cool photos while also LAUGHING their butts off. Indie Cover band couple anyone?
Mohawk River Country Club | Asia and Tammy Wedding | Jay Zhang Photography
On this day, in the zenith (SAT Word right there) of the Autumnal season where there are plenty of beautiful colors to be had, Asia and Tammy get MARRIED. Like every couple, they’ve been waiting to have this day together for a while now, and its quite obvious (you will see in a minute) that when someone says “If you cry, I will cry” that its true for this silly, laugh it off type couple. When Tammy cried at the ceremony, Asia cried, and then I CRIED (even if you won’t have proof)
Schodack Town Park Engagement | Asia and Tammy | Jay Zhang Photography
What more do I need to say about Asia and Tammy? They are a low key, fun loving couple who deeply love with all of their being. Silly, Sarcastic, and always a good time - We took an engagement session with these two at Schodack Town Park, maybe one of my new favorite places for a nice wintery sunset through the forest (you’ll see what I mean at the end). This is a place that is not without beautiful fall colors and a fun path through a small forest, close to the river and plenty of room to roam.
The Mansion Inn at Saratoga | Jen and Kim Wedding | Jay Zhang Photography
This day was always going to be beautiful and things couldn’t have gone any better on this wedding day! The weather was perfectly blue with a couple smattering of clouds just to keep everyone a little cooler on a hot August day. They both wanted to do a first look (My favorite!) and they were going to do it as a back to back but the one challenge, They both wanted to get ready in the upstairs room with the family that was more important to them.
Jennings Landing Engagement | Jen and Kim | Jay Zhang Photography
We’re starting off this week’s Pride Celebration with a couple who’s created a beautiful life together already and they only want to continue this adventure together. Kim is a bit shy, very intellegent, and so compassionate you just want to give her hugs all day and Jen is an outspoken, heart on her sleeves and self sacrificing kind of person who would do anything for the people she loves.
Takk House + Troy NY Wedding | Corey and Kevin | Jay Zhang Photography
On THIS day in July, It was a hot day - Ironically enough we were all worried there would be rain so we were first coming up with a rain plan - then as the days got closer, it was definitely NOT going to rain. Instead, Mother Nature said “Let there be sun” and TONS of it. It was a hot and humid day, thank goodness for AC at the Marriott Troy and Takk House because we took advantage of all the cool interiors as much as possible.
Philadelphia Engagement | Corey and Kevin's Engagement | Jay Zhang Photography
These two are nerdy, silly, passionate, and downright FUN to be around. They were down for capturing their personalities in multiple different places in the city that they love so much. A bit of role playing maybe, but a couple of really unique compositions while they joked, sarcastically participated, and in some quiet moments, softly enjoyed each other’s company. Philly is one of my favorite cities to just be in, walk around, and explore the congruence of Historical and Modern Architectural elements. I would come back here in a heart beat, if not for the city vibes, then for these two amazingly fun and chill couple!
The Mansion Inn at Saratoga | Rick and Nate Wedding
Rick and Nate are two wonderfully witty and smart people who can match each other’s “humor” and banter word for word. They both strongly involve themselves in the community and are always willing to do anything they can for their loved ones. They started their day together, helping each other put on the details of their outfits. They both were ready to have a great time with all their loved ones and it shows but how much laughing they do with each other and with their party! It was truly a perfect weathered October Wedding Day.
Ampersand Bay Resort | Ryan and Matt Wedding
Ryan and Matt were friends first, and over time they became more than friends. A long story of being together and having fun to being apart and hating every minute, to returning to each other and well, as they say - the rest is history. They were both nervous, in their own little ways, Ryan the soft, quiet and methodical was excited, only slightly nervous and doing everything that he was doing as planned for the day. Matt, the whirlwind, ready to have some fun and just couldn’t stop laughing and giggling until the very moment we had to take him to the first look. The moment of the first look was indescriable.
Sure, I’m a little bias because I’m also in a relationship that slightly mirrors this, but in that moment when they saw each other for the first time that day, it was as if all the ice had melted, the world had faded away, and warm comfort emitted from their beings. THEN THE REAL FUN BEGAN when the party came into play, and BOY were they ready to PARTY.
Shakespeare on the Hudson Catskill NY | Peter and Jason's Wedding
Peter and Jason both work in the medical world, helping others and working towards a healthier better world. In a world where two hyper compassionate people meet, it becomes a world full of love from everywhere, friends, family and each other. At this point i’ve said that the day was a perfect day for all my weddings, SO WHY SHOULD THIS ONE BE DIFFERENT?! It was a bright sunny day, easily filled with loving guests who were READY TO PARTY. It just can’t be helpped, people had already started partying before I even got there! We made some beautiful photos, and fun and happiness was had by all!
Pat's Barn Wedding Troy NY | David and Joseph's Wedding
David and Joe have been WAITING for this moment. Two people who are both loving and caring and genuinely nice people have finally met each other and have decided to combine their lives. Even if their lives have been intertwined for quite some time, its through this momentous moment that these two were joined officially. These two who have been put together, let now one asunder.
Emerson Spa and Resort Wedding | Erika and Alex's Wedding
Erika and Alex are SO adventurous. Let me just say this to all my upcoming couples, BE ADVENTUROUS, take the little bit of a risk for your photos. I always try to keep my clients safe, dry and clean but sometimes you just gotta trust me a little to get some amazing shots! These two were up for anything, I am so grateful because Kristen and I scouted the site early on and found some great spots for photos. It was raining that day and you know the old adage about rain… its wet, I mean good luck on your wedding day 😅😅😅.
There’s an old saying that rain is lucky on your wedding day because when you tie the knot on your wedding day and it rains, the knot itself is harder to untie. Think about that for a second ;-)
Ready to see some adventures?
DJ: Evan Moore
Venue + Catering: The Emerson Resort and Spa
Hair + Make-up: Lipstick N Lashes
Flowers: Fleurtacious Designs
Officiant: Rev Kristina Hansen
Dresses: Alex - Blue Rayne Bridal | Erika - DeAnna’s
Rings: Doyle & Doyle
Saratoga National Historic Park | David and Joe's Engagement | Jay Zhang Photography
David and Joe are two silly people. Everything about them reminds me that life is way to short to be so serious. They just constantly were laughing and having fun and enjoying themselves and thats exactly what I wanted them to do - to just exist with each other in their space. There was just so much laughing there wasn't enough time to think about negativity and insecurities, only time to think about having fun, being in love, and laughing all the way home. It was a perfect day filled with perfectly real people.
Century House Wedding | Latham NY | Laurel and Barb
These two have been waiting and waiting and WAITING for this day, with complicated situations barring the logistics of the event actually happening, it was FINALLY the day that these two got to tie the knot with each other. It was a beautifully happy day with these two beautiful women who just so badly wanted to be together and with each other. I don't know these two outside of them being together, but from what I've heard, they are the happiest they have ever been since they have been together, and all I wanted to do was document their happiness together. There was just so much love during this day. They were surrounded by family members who they wanted to share their day with, and the love that exuded the room was overwhelmingly heart warming. I'm pretty sure it was the perfect day for them, and i'm sure they'd want to do it again if they could!
Old Daly Inn at Crooked Lake House Wedding | Tamara + Luisa | Jay Zhang Photography
What a beautiful day. I couldn't say enough about how important family is to both Tamara and Luisa. Family means everything, and to these two, they both mean everything to each other. Their details were beautiful, their setting was beautiful, their ceremony was beautiful, THEY. WERE. BEAUTIFUL. I'll cut to the chase, Lots of crying, lots of laughing, and lots of loving.
John Boyd Thatcher Park | Tamara and Luisa's Engagement | Jay Zhang Photography
Tamara and Luisa are such a fun couple. They love to be silly, they love spending time with each other, and they LOVE to LAUGH. Our engagement session was filled with so much laughing, and loving and cuddling. There was even a bit of adventurousness, and some derpy climbing with attempts to not slip into the thawing river, but maybe I'll let them explain that one ;-). On to the cute photos!
Ampersand Bay Resort | Ryan and Matt's Engagement
Ryan and Matt found me online, but I knew that talking to them made me realize that they needed to be my clients because they are both silly and ready to party, but indulge in the quiet romantic moments when they get the chance. Of course they were a bit shy at first, and it was a bit chilly out by the water, but as soon as they began being silly and laughing and embracing to stay warm, I couldn't get them to stop smiling, not that I wanted to anyway :-). They just get better and better as the day went on, and my favorite moments from this session are ALL of the in-between moments. I can't WAIT for their day!
NYC Central Park Engagement | Peter and Jason
I can't lie, it was a rainy Sunday in the middle of the city and there was no evidence of it stopping anytime soon! Fortunately, these two were up for the adventure as the rain sometimes took some moments to waiver in its strength and allow us to be less wet. Might I add that the penguin umbrella was not planned? It was essentially the perfect prop for the day, and we played in the rain. regardless of where we decided to take photos, things were quiet, allowing this hard working hyper focused couple to really enjoy their time with each other.